BackupExchange Server

Erro ao restaurar email do Microsoft Exchange 2010 usando o Symantec Backup Exec

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Erro log Backup Exec

Completed status: Failed    See error(s)
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Job Information
Job server: SRVJob name: srv Restore 00289Job started: quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014 at 09:10:28Job type: RestoreJob Log: BEX_SRV_07039.xml


Job Operation – Restore
Server – SRV
Drive and media mount requested: 17/04/2014 09:10:41

Drive and media information from media mount: 17/04/2014 09:10:56Drive Name: Tape drive 2 Media Label: FITA 3 Media GUID: {707e5d71-620e-4ab1-bfa2-e3ce7c0be80c}Overwrite Protected Until: 15/05/2014 08:41:44Appendable Until: 22/04/2014 19:30:16      All Media Used FITA 3

Network control connection is established between [::1]:58120 <–> [::1]:10000Network data connection is established between    [::1]:58122 <–> [::1]:58121

Set Information – \\srv\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database
Restore Set Information
Restoring data to \\srv\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database.Storage Media #1: ” Media created 16/04/2014 19:30:00 “Backup performed on 16/04/2014 at 23:12Backup set #3: ” “srv” Backup Exchange 2010-Backup diario “

Restore started on 17/04/2014 at 09:12:33.

Restore Set Detail Information
V-79-57344-33935 – The path on the Backup Exec server for staging temporary restore data when restoring individual items from tape ran out of disk space. Either clear some disk space, or click Application Menu > Configuration and Settings > Global Job Defaults > Granular Recovery Technology, and enter a restore path that has more disk space.V-79-57344-65072 – Connection to the restore target has been lost.  Operation canceled.

Restore completed on 17/04/2014 at 09:43:33.

Restore Set Summary
Restored 1 Exchange Server stores1 item was skipped.Processed 14.442.051.056 bytes in  35 minutes and  5 seconds.Throughput rate: 393 MB/min

V-79-57344-759 – Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.V-79-57344-958 – Unable to open the item Database – skipped.

Set Information – \\SRV\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database
Restore Set Information
Restoring data to \\SRV\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database.Storage Media #1: ”  “Backup performed on 16/04/2014 at 23:12Backup set #3: ” “srv” Backup Exchange 2010-Backup diario “

Restore started on 17/04/2014 at 09:48:10.Restore completed on 17/04/2014 at 09:48:11.

Restore Set Summary
Restored 0 Exchange Server storesProcessed 0 bytes in  1 second.Throughput rate: 0.000 MB/min


Job Completion Status
Job ended: quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014 at 09:49:41Completed status: FailedFinal error: 0xe000848f – Insufficient disk space.Final error category: Resource ErrorsFor additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33935


Click an error below to locate it in the job logRestore- \\srv\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox DatabaseV-79-57344-33935 – The path on the Backup Exec server for staging temporary restore data when restoring individual items from tape ran out of disk space. Either clear some disk space, or click Application Menu  Configuration and Settings  Global Job Defaults  Granular Recovery Technology, and enter a restore path that has more disk space. V-79-57344-65072 – Connection to the restore target has been lost.  Operation canceled. Restore
V-79-57344-759 – Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. V-79-57344-958 – Unable to open the item Database – skipped.

Foi identificado que a opção compress this drive to save disk space estava habilitada:
Para solucionar o problema basta desativar o Compress, conforme imagem abaixo:
Após o procedimento, basta rodar o Job novamente.
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Tags: backup, Exchange

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